Ryan O'Shea

development | management | design



Bugtwitter is a fullstack bug tracking app with a UI borrowed from Twitter.

It allows users to report and track bugs, add supporting images, set the priority, assign the bug to another user, edit or update the issue, and other admin roles.

The app is fully responsive.



  • Blitz.js - a full stack framework built on next.js
  • React
  • Typescript
  • Chakra UI
  • Deployed using render.com

Learning Points

I wrote about the development process in a blogpost in April 2022.

TLDR: Expect the unexpected, be consistent, plan lots, be patient with errors and documentation.


The app is deployed and can be used for demonstration purposes. Sign up and have a look!


I will not keep your data or track you.
© Ryan James O'Shea 2023